dic 22, 2016

BBA and its Employees Give Over $100,000 Back to the Community

  • Noticias

The consulting engineering firm and its employees join forces to help those in need and to reduce its impact on the environment.

  1. Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), December 22, 2016 – Under the “Light up our generosity” theme, BBA and its employees joined forces for their 21st annual Employee Giving Program campaign.

    At this time of year, when people gather, celebrate and spend quality time with family, BBA invited its employees to remember the less fortunate. The firm chose to help people in need by supporting United Way/Centraide and HealthPartners. Additionally, since BBA is determined to make a difference in the communities where it operates, especially for the environment, the firm decided to add Tree Canada, an environmental cause, to its 2016-2017 Campaign.

    Each year, BBA encourages its employees to be generous to their communities. The firm matches every dollar employees donate, up to a maximum of $50,000. This year, our joint efforts allowed us to donate a total of $108,224 to United Way, HealthPartners and Tree Canada.

Sobre BBA

BBA ha brindado una amplia gama de servicios de consultoría de ingeniería durante más de 40 años. Los expertos y expertas en ingeniería, medio ambiente y comisionamiento se unen para identificar de forma rápida y precisa las necesidades de los clientes industriales e institucionales. La experiencia de la empresa es reconocida en las industrias de energía y recursos naturales. Con 20 oficinas en Canadá y en el extranjero (Chile y Estados Unidos), BBA ofrece a los clientes apoyo local y presencia en terreno y brinda algunas de las soluciones de ingeniería y servicios de asesoría estratégica más innovadoras, sostenibles y confiables de la industria.
