feb 20, 2024

BBA’s donation in 2023 will help plant 12,000 trees

  • Noticias
BBA News plantation arbres photo cms

In an effort to preserve natural resources and improve living environments, BBA donated $60,000 to Tree Canada in 2023.

  1. At the end of last year, BBA employees contributed $30,000 to support tree planting and nurturing through Tree Canada. This sum was doubled with a matching contribution from the firm for a total donation of $60,000. This will allow Tree Canada to plant 12,000 trees across the country to help fight climate change.

    BBA thanks its employees for their generosity during this campaign, which is part of its Toward Net Zero plan.

  2. A long-term partnership with Tree Canada

    This recent campaign was held a few months after a major announcement by BBA: In May 2023, the firm committed to compensating all the greenhouse gases it has emitted since its founding in 1980 up to today.

    With this goal in mind, in May 2023, BBA entered into a long-term partnership with Tree Canada. Over the next five years, the firm will support Tree Canada's National Greening Program, which targets reforestation and afforestation in Canada's forests.

    Tree Canada was chosen as our partner because of its expertise and rigour. It’s the only non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees across Canada. Since 1992, they have planted no fewer than 84 million trees.

    For every donation BBA makes to Tree Canada, the Government of Canada will match it through its 2 Billion Trees program.

Sobre BBA

BBA ha brindado una amplia gama de servicios de consultoría de ingeniería durante más de 40 años. Los expertos y expertas en ingeniería, medio ambiente y comisionamiento se unen para identificar de forma rápida y precisa las necesidades de los clientes industriales e institucionales. La experiencia de la empresa es reconocida en las industrias de energía y recursos naturales. Con 20 oficinas en Canadá y en el extranjero (Chile y Estados Unidos), BBA ofrece a los clientes apoyo local y presencia en terreno y brinda algunas de las soluciones de ingeniería y servicios de asesoría estratégica más innovadoras, sostenibles y confiables de la industria.

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