feb 08, 2022

Benoit Richard appointed director of BBA’s new office in Santiago, Chile

  • Noticias

In June 2021, as part of its strategy for geographic diversification, BBA acquired Flow Partners, a firm specialized in transforming industrial companies, and opened its first office outside Canada in Santiago, Chile. With this office in place, promising new business opportunities have been emerging in South America in BBA’s core areas of expertise. To further support the development of these opportunities and to manage the firm’s operations in Santiago, BBA is announcing the appointment of Benoit Richard, an experienced leader, as director of the Santiago office.

  1. Benoit was the Montréal office director prior to his appointment and has nearly 20 years of experience in consulting engineering. He is known for his expertise in business development as well as operations and multidisciplinary team management. “Benoit has all the necessary skills to start BBA’s expansion into the international arena, starting with South America,” states Navin Gangadin, Executive Director, Central Canada and Chilean Operations. “His qualities as a leader and ambassador of BBA’s culture, as well as his in-depth knowledge of the mining industry, will help our firm’s growth in this booming market.”

    Laura Mottola, who has been managing the Santiago office since Flow Partners was acquired, will now be able to focus on her role as Director, Digital Transformation, while continuing to support BBA’s new office in Chile.

Sobre BBA

BBA ha brindado una amplia gama de servicios de consultoría de ingeniería durante más de 40 años. Los expertos y expertas en ingeniería, medio ambiente y comisionamiento se unen para identificar de forma rápida y precisa las necesidades de los clientes industriales e institucionales. La experiencia de la empresa es reconocida en las industrias de energía y recursos naturales. Con 20 oficinas en Canadá y en el extranjero (Chile y Estados Unidos), BBA ofrece a los clientes apoyo local y presencia en terreno y brinda algunas de las soluciones de ingeniería y servicios de asesoría estratégica más innovadoras, sostenibles y confiables de la industria.
