Asset management plan development

  • Proyecto
  • asset management
  • ISO55000
  • AMP
178 A6973

BBA assisted a major utility in developing and implementing asset management plans (AMPs) across 19 critical asset classes. This initiative supported the client’s journey to ISO55000 accreditation and will be integral to their upcoming rate application.

  • Región Central Canada
  1. Our experts' solutions

    As part of achieving ISO55000 standards and adhering to industry best practices, utilities are encouraged to develop AMPs. These plans provide structured guidance for asset-related activities, align high-level strategies with complex granular initiatives and translate the entire asset value chain into accessible language for both internal and external stakeholder. AMPs also play a crucial role in supporting investment decisions to comply with industry or regulatory standards.

    By conducting thorough reviews of existing documentation, analyzing data and interviewing subject matter experts within the client organization, BBA produced 19 AMPs covering both transmission and distribution stations as well as civil assets.

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