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15 jun 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesOperational data: the driving force behind transparency
Souheil Sabbagh
Vicepresidente de Experiencia Digital
18 may 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesKnowledge as a catalyst: digital power systems take hold in industry
Marc-André Perron, P.Eng.
Director, Management - Digital Power Systems
10 abr 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesThe transition to renewable energy is more accessible than ever, and it’s not just about environmental benefits
François Vitez, P.Eng.
Vicepresidente de Mercado Eléctrico y Energías Renovables
11 ene 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesCircular economy: Industry is revving things up. Here's how.
Jérôme Pelletier, P.Eng., MBA
Presidente y Director Ejecutivo