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07 dic 2021Minería y metalurgiaChallenges to open pit mining through historic underground workings
John Henning, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Principal Engineer, Mining and Geology
24 may 2021Minería y metalurgiaUnderground shaft excavation using the inverse (drop) raise method
Félix Roy-Demers P.Eng.
03 dic 2020Energía eléctrica y renovablesThe importance of hydrogeology when building infrastructures
01 sept 2020Minería y metalurgiaDesigning foundations to support rotating machines on unfavourable soil conditions
12 may 2020Energía eléctrica y renovablesAre your lifting devices safe?
Jonathan Hamel, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Structural
11 oct 2019Minería y metalurgiaOptimally manage your mine tailings
Luciano Piciacchia, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Senior Consulting Expert, Earth and Infrastructure
03 dic 2018Energía eléctrica y renovablesGeomatics and surveying: essential engineering tools
Marie-France Proulx, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., P.M.P.
Senior Engineer, Earth and Infrastructure
02 nov 2018Minería y metalurgiaThe use of 3D models and analysis in support of waste stockpile design and operations
02 nov 2018Minería y metalurgiaPractical nomograms for waste rock piles design on competent foundations