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06 dic 2024Otras Industrias
Peter Wanga
Atmospheric Modelling Specialist, Environmental Engineering
26 nov 2024Otras IndustriasHurricanes are becoming increasingly violent, but industrial companies can calm the trend
Hugo Careau, P.Eng.
Principal Engineer, Decarbonization
01 oct 2024All industriesFor an industry committed to biodiversity
28 may 2024Minería y metalurgiaNoise control at mining sites: an essential step toward harmonious production
08 may 2024Energía eléctrica y renovablesCompressed air: a more precious resource than it may seem
Jérémie Côté, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Management - Power Market
01 may 2024Minería y metalurgiaGeochemistry – Part II: Predicting metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD) chemistry
Todd McCracken, P.Geo
Department Manager, Mining and Geology
15 abr 2024Minería y metalurgiaGeochemistry – Part I: What is metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD), and how does it occur?
Todd McCracken, P.Geo
Department Manager, Mining and Geology
25 mar 2024Minería y metalurgia
What we know about processing nitrogen compounds in mining effluents
04 mar 2024Otras IndustriasOptimizing solutions for air quality and acoustics in industrial settings