Carbon capture and conversion

We’re all aware of the impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Climate changes, rising sea levels engulfing entire islands and water acidification affecting fisheries are sad examples. So, we need to continue our initiatives to lower GHG production and better manage unavoidable emissions. Fortunately, resourceful and passionate minds are working to implement technologies that capture and transform CO2 to use in value-added applications. Once again, innovation is bringing us to a pivotal point in industry evolution.

Carbon capture and conversion

  1. Your challenges

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      Make your carbon capture project work for you

      Whether you’re the manager of a company looking to reduce, eliminate and add value to emissions, or a carbon technology developer looking to refine your process and bring it to market, you have similar challenges. Solutions must be viable and reflect your specific operations. It’s also critical that they integrate seamlessly and securely into your facilities, without disrupting your operations, and that they generate value quickly.

      Navigating the fast-changing world of decarbonization

      After you have a clear and well-defined decarbonization project, several considerations arise along the way: you’re looking for the right process to integrate into your operations, you want to understand the difference between the technologies available on the market and, most importantly, you want to develop the most lucrative approach to recover your carbon molecules.

      The key goal is to get the necessary funding and have your project approved, so it must be supported by proven data. You’ll be able to develop a solid business plan with a technical economic study that reflects all your operational activities and business strategy, while keeping the current evolving carbon market dynamics in the equation.

  2. Our approach

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      Pioneers in carbon capture and recovery

      The BBA team is a trailblazer in decarbonization engineering solutions. For over 10 years, we’ve been involved in some of the largest carbon capture projects in Canada—at the source and directly from the atmosphere. With their expertise in industrial processes, their vast experience in designing CO2 technologies and their technical agility, our experts can optimize your project and help you make the right choices.

      Having assisted both technology developers and companies in seeking environmental solutions to manage their emissions, we’re well placed to advise you. Having learned from a variety of projects, we understand the challenges and can effectively link existing processes to new technologies to ensure they integrate seamlessly into your operations. In short, we make sure your project is profitable and viable, right from the start.

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