Circularity and industrial waste recycling

Once considered worthless, industrial waste is now perceived differently. Thanks to innovation, we can now give it a new life and turn it into precious, useful material, while preserving natural resources.

Across Canada, industrial companies are constantly pushing the boundaries to review how they manage waste and reduce their environmental footprint, thus benefitting everyone.

Circularity and industrial waste recycling

  1. Your challenges

    • Silos on a farm 2

      Maximize your investment with the right technology

      To ensure your project’s success, you have to select technology that maximizes investment value and is supported by reliable studies. This can help you convince granting agencies of the merit and seriousness of your unique and innovative approach.

      Your challenges:

      • Demonstrate project feasibility to granting agencies
      • Address commercial and technological issues inherent to the project
      • Respect environmental requirements
      • Obtain the best cost-benefit ratio
  2. Our approach

    • Industries - Person walking

      Our experts assist you at every stage of your project

      Combining extensive experience in the oil and chemicals industry with cutting-edge environmental expertise, BBA team members support you from studies to facility commissioning, and beyond!

      Our multidisciplinary teams are in the field and are recognized for their ability to deliver streamlined projects.

Let’s see what
we can do
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