Pulp, paper and forestry

As a true pillar of the Canadian economy, the forestry industry represents a significant portion of our national exports. Solid lumber, particle board, biomaterials, biochemicals, biofuels, pulp and paper—forests provide us with a vast range of products.

New products are also emerging, presenting diversified business opportunities for logging companies. These new offerings include sugar and lignin, which are made of converted wood chips, and biomaterials such as nanocrystals and cellulose filaments.

In order to take advantage of market opportunities and ensure business continuity, it’s critical for industries to focus on solutions and technologies that will optimize every aspect of their operations.

Pulp, paper and forestry

  1. Your challenges

    • Pulp and paper - Truck sorting wood logs

      Improve your productivity with new technologies

      You must comply with a wide range of health, safety and environmental standards and regulations, whether they’re NFPA standards (combustible dusts), the CSA Z462 standard (arc flashes), environmental standards (waste water) or air quality regulations.

      Additionally, in order to increase productivity and optimize investments, you have no choice but to extend the useful life of your infrastructure (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control). In some cases, you’ll need to replace certain equipment to make room for new technology.

      Your challenges:

      • Replace and upgrade aging facilities
      • Integrate new technologies
      • Improve productivity with automation, advanced control and alarm management solutions
      • Consider new sources of energy and ensure the stability of your power grid
      • Manage risks associated with combustible dust
      • Properly control air emissions and reduce your environmental footprint
  2. Our approach

    • Industries - Person walking

      Custom solutions to support your operational excellence

      Our clients in the pulp and paper industry enjoy turnkey support at every stage, from diagnosis and strategic planning to environmental monitoring management and implementation.

      Having completed a significant number of pulp, paper and wood fibre mandates, our multidisciplinary experts have the know-how to ensure your operational excellence with tailor-made solutions.

Let’s see whatwe can dotogether
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