Life-of-mine plan for Rosebel Gold mines

  • Project
  • resource estimation
  • gold mine
  • life-of-mine
  • design
  • waste rock piles
Project Page Hero Rosebel gold mines

Rosebel Gold Mines, which started operating in 2004, is a joint venture between the IAMGOLD Corporation (95%) and the Government of Suriname (5%). Rosebel Gold Mines currently operates six open-pit mines and produced 312,000 ounces of gold in 2016. The gold veins at Rosebel are part of a very complex geological system and are found in four distinct weathering zones namely laterite, saprolite, transition and fresh rock.

  • Region International
  • Client IAMGOLD Corporation
  1. Our experts' solutions

    BBA’s team of mining engineers was mandated to carry out the 2017 Life-of-Mine Plan (LOM) in conjunction with a third-party consulting firm. For this mandate, the consulting firm’s tasks included establishing the cost model, running the pit optimization and completing an optimized high-level mine plan. BBA used the results of this work to complete the following tasks:

    • Detailed pit and phase designs totalling 22 designs
    • Detailed life-of-mine plan (monthly for 2018, quarterly for 2019 and annually thereafter)
    • Waste rock pile designs and sequencing
    • Estimation of mining equipment fleet requirements
  1. The combined effort and hard work by IAMGOLD, BBA and the third-party consulting firm unlocked tremendous value at Rosebel Gold Mines, where the future now looks brighter than ever. Following the successful completion of this mandate, BBA’s team of mining engineers was hired by IAMGOLD to complete the 2018 budget, provide technical assistance for long-range mine planning and carry out the 2018 Life-of-Mine Plan.
    Jeffrey Cassoff, P.Eng., Team Leader, Mining Engineering
    • 80% Increased mineral reserves by 80%
    • 3 Added three years to the mine life
    • 312,000 Produced 312,000 ounces of gold in 2016
    • 170 km2 Mining concession covering 170 km2
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