Nov 12, 2020

2D river modelling with USACE HEC_RAS 5.0.7: simulation for operation, flood events and dam breaks

  • White paper
  • dam
  • 2d
  • rivermodelling

The practice of 2-dimensional river modelling has been conducted in the industry for almost 30 years. In the beginning, the application was very expensive and complicated due to technological limitations. Over the years, as both computer technologies and modelling theories have evolved, design engineers are able to create 2D river models using regular office computers with specialized software.

  1. A 2D river model can be used in numerous applications such as infrastructure planning, dam safety study and flood scenario prediction. It has several advantages compared to the conventional 1D model in terms of accuracy and workability. Furthermore, georeferenced 2D models can produce better visual results, which makes it easier for designers to communicate with nontechnical stakeholders and integrate as part of emergency planning exercises.

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