Jul 06, 2018

Commissioning and maintenance of electrical distribution equipment: which approach to adopt

  • White paper
  • electrical distribution equipment
  • commissioning
  • maintenance

A comprehensive commissioning and maintenance program for electrical distribution equipment identifies factors that can cause failures and provides the means to correct them.

Such a program can help identify risks that might lead to equipment failure or power outages and correct these risks at a time when their impact is minimal. Well-maintained equipment reduces production shutdowns while minimizing major failures, which in turn decreases overall operating costs.

To ensure electrical equipment and devices function properly, it is essential to set up an effective commissioning, maintenance and testing program through an in-house service or through subcontracting to a private company specialized in this practice.

  1. What are the key factors to consider?

    The optimal approach to commissioning and maintaining a specific system or equipment depends on a variety of factors, including:

    • The impact of a failure on personnel safety
    • The impact of equipment failure on business productivity and profitability
    • The cost associated with commissioning and introducing a maintenance program
    • Equipment failure rate and life expectancy
    • The likelihood of causing damage to equipment or issues with the system during maintenance and equipment testing
    • Technological evolution and the tools available to maintenance personnel
    • The availability of information to support the maintenance program
    • The addition of continuous monitoring devices for at-risk areas

    The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the importance of performing electrical tests and preoperational verifications (POVs) on electrical distribution equipment and to choose the correct maintenance mode to use during its useful life. This document will also explain the process surrounding the commissioning and maintenance of an industrial electrical network and owner responsibilities.

This content is for general information purposes only. All rights reserved ©BBA

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