Environmental studies and assessments

The concepts of economic growth and environmental protection have long been thought of as mutually exclusive, but that thinking has changed. Whether it’s operating a mine, building a power grid or setting up a plant, the future of any project now depends on a rigorous assessment of the environmental issues consistent with current regulations. Today, achieving socially acceptable and economically viable projects while reducing their environmental footprint is a common challenge for all industrial businesses.

Environmental studies and assessments

  1. Your challenges

    • Environment - River and forest

      Prepare a solid plan. Make informed decisions

      When acquiring a site, every socio-environmental challenge, risk and constraint that could potentially affect future project development must be identified. Performing a due diligence process and rigorous field analyses will provide you with reliable and comprehensive data to help you make informed decisions and focus your efforts on projects with the greatest potential.

      Optimize the technical and economic feasibility of your project

      Before investing time and resources into your project, you need all the data that will affect its success. So, it’s important to study and characterize your project’s environment from the start.

      In fact, an initial analysis of all activities related to project construction, operation and decommissioning will optimize its technical and economic feasibility. This will also make it easier for you to go through the social licensing steps and obtain the approvals and permits required to start your project.

  2. Our approach

    • Environment - Man taking samples in a shallow river

      Trust our team to have a clear vision of your challenges

      Our team provides you with a clear vision of your project’s current and future challenges by creating a preliminary portrait of its constraints, social realities and environmental variables. Our experts will be able to provide you with an accurate description of the study area and the project-specific constraints, while taking into account the anticipated resistances and opportunities.

      Our goal: to address all factors critical to your success

      BBA works with interest groups and stakeholders to ensure that the long-term effects of your project on communities, the environment, your employees and your business partners are managed effectively. Our goal is to develop solutions that address all the factors that are critical to your project’s success.

  3. Our services

      • Ground and surface water quality
      • Air quality, meteorology and olfactometry
      • Geology and soil quality
      • Aquatic and riparian habitats
      • Wetlands
      • Aquatic, avian and herpetofauna
      • Large fauna and mammals
      • Sensitive ecosystems and threatened or vulnerable species
      • Landscape quality
      • Noise environment
      • Indigenous land and treaties
      • Socio-economic study
      • Civil engineering
      • Mechanical engineering
      • Electrical engineering
      • Chemical engineering
      • Geological engineering
      • Mining engineering
      • Performance and operational compliance
      • Water and air treatment
      • Degraded site rehabilitation and closure
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