Water is a critical resource for any industrial activity, whether it’s used for processing, particularly in the pulp and paper and mining sectors, or to provide sanitary infrastructure for remote work camps. However, industrial companies need to ensure that they always comply with runoff standards, such as ensuring that all their effluents are non-toxic, by implementing appropriate treatment systems. The challenge manufacturers face is meeting increasingly stringent government standards, all at the lowest possible cost.

Water treatment

  1. Your Challenges

    • Ocean Falls spillway

      Complying with current regulations

      All industrial activities generate wastewater that needs to be treated before it’s released into the environment. So, you need to implement effective water treatment systems and technologies that reflect the characteristics of the receiving environment.

      A resource to preserve at all project and operational stages

      Water is a valuable resource that you need to preserve at every stage of your project. When planning to build new infrastructure, you must demonstrate that your water treatment plant is reliable and rigorous to obtain the required permits. The same obligations apply if you’re expanding an existing facility.

      Once operations have started, you need to properly maintain your water treatment facilities. You may also have to make frequent adjustments to optimize treatment performance and protect waterways and groundwater. Finally, throughout your operations and even after you’ve ceased operations (especially for mines), you have to plan for wastewater treatment and, in many cases, set up water treatment infrastructures that will operate in perpetuity.

  2. Our approach

    • Infra - Water treatment

      Multidisciplinary expertise and custom solutions

      Our team members have a solid understanding of industrial operations combined with essential cutting-edge expertise in designing water treatment solutions.

      Every project is unique, and we know from experience that custom solutions are the key to meeting the complex challenges associated with industrial water treatment. Our multidisciplinary team can provide technical expertise throughout the project life cycle, from start-up and commissioning to operational support and closure. We also integrate Industry 4.0 principles and technologies into all our mandates.

  3. Solutions we offer
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